Iqembu le-Providence noise rock i-Lightning Bolt alikakakhiphi i-albhamu entsha eminyakeni emine (i-albhamu yokugcina bekuyi-Fantasy Empire yango-2015), kodwa lisavakasha kulo nyaka futhi lisazodlala imidlalo embalwa. Basanda kuba nombukiso eNew York ku-99 Scott Ave Open Air ne-Baby ngo-September 14; Ingane: kanye ne-Murderpact (amathikithi), futhi badlala i-Denver Hex ne-Desert Daze Music Festival.
IDenver Hex izokwenzeka ngoSepthemba 6-7 eBluebird Theatre eDenver, enesihloko esithi Lightning Bolt ngoSuku 1 kanye nePig Destroyer ngoSuku 2, kanye neThe Body, Dreadnought, The Dwarves, Call of the Void nokuningi (amathikithi) .
Ukuziphatha okwengeziwe kungeziwe kokuthi Lost in the Desert kusukela engxoxweni yethu yokugcina. Uhlu okwamanje luhlanganisa I-Flying Lips (njenge-Soft Bulletin), i-Flying Lotus 3D, i-Stereolab, i-Animal Collective, i-Black Angels, i-Parquet Courts, i-Dungen, i-Fred Armisen, i-Shintaro Sakamoto, i-Temple, i-Connan Mockasin, i-DIIV, i-Atlas Sound, Uthango Olumhlophe. , Crumb, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Nick Hakim, METZ, Jakob Ogawa, Viagra Boys, Wand, George Clanton, Blanck Mass, Post Animal, SASAMI, Mdou Moctar, Faye Webster, Surfbort, Dumbo Gets Mad kanye noKlaus Johann Grobe. ngemuva. Amathikithi omcimbi, ozoba ngo-Okthoba 10-13 eLake Perris, eCalifornia, asatholakala.
I-Lightning Bolt — Izinsuku Zokuvakasha zango-2019 (okuningi kuzoqinisekiswa?) 9/6 Denver Hex Denver, CO9/14 Open Air e-99 Scott Ave Brooklyn, NY10/10-13 Desert Daze Lake Perris, CA12/6 Ottobar Baltimore, MD
Isikhathi sokuthumela: May-08-2023